Number 2: “Do you really believe I’m that stupid?”
Did you know that when you say something like this to a narcissist, they hear it as you calling them stupid? To them, your true message is embedded in what you’re saying. With this comment, it’s like you’re telling them, “Do you really think I’m that dumb to believe what you’re telling me? Do you actually think I’m going to buy into that crazy, delusional idea of yours? Do you think I’ll just take what you say at face value when it’s obvious you don’t have the self-awareness to give anyone meaningful feedback? Your thinking is so black-and-white, so rigid, but honestly, it’s not smart, and it doesn’t make sense. You’re acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum, a three-year-old stuck in an adult’s body. How can you not see what you’re doing to me? How can you even think you know me when you don’t even know yourself?”
Let’s say they find someone new to victimize. When you make this comment to them, they’ll interpret it as, “Do you think I’m so gullible that I’ll fall for your games? That I’ll buy into this comparison you’re trying to make between me and your new thing? Please. I know what’s going on. You’re just using this other person as another trophy, another source of attention to feed your ego. Do you really think I’m going to be jealous just because someone new is in the picture? Absolutely not. And do you honestly believe I’ll just go along with it being your way just because you say so? No, thanks. You might be that delusional or stupid, but I’m not.” So, it enrages them.
Number 3: “I know many normal people who don’t act that way.”
If you compare a narcissist to an average person, prepare for trouble. They might cut you off completely or come after you. In their minds, that kind of comparison is the ultimate insult. To a narcissist, “normal people” are beneath them because those people are insignificant, unworthy, and nothing more than obstacles to step over. By suggesting they’re on the same level as anyone else, you’re basically tearing down the image of superiority they’ve built for themselves. And trust me, they won’t stand for it.
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