Narcissists have a very complex relationship with the idea of dying. Part of them is terrified of death, yet the other part is obsessed with it. How come? Why is that so?
You may think it’s about the loss of control, and it indeed is, or about not being able to leave a legacy behind. It could also relate to not having other people cater to their needs or being unable to extract supply. All of that is true.
But what if I told you there is a much bigger reason—a fear that they do not ever talk about, but they drop hints about it. From those hints, I was able to understand what was going on in the skewed psyche of my narcissistic grandfather and why he was afraid of dying. Let’s talk about it further in today’s episode.
Before we get started, please don’t be afraid of the portrait behind me. This is the tiger—or the tigress—I want to wake up in you. This is not a predator; this is your protector. It doesn’t have to be like a narcissist. It has to be a fierce protector, completely guarding you and your boundaries. So try to connect with its energy, and that’s what I do. I wanted to share it in this space.
Understanding the Narcissist’s Fear of Judgment
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