Death Terrifies a Narcissist for THIS Spiritual Reason

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Given how a narcissist’s brain works, they cannot tolerate the idea of non-existence. They cannot contemplate not being here, not being able to live it all, feel it all, see it all, and have it all. So whenever they try to work with the idea or make some compromise, bargaining with that idea of going away forever, they immediately feel a lot of panic.

The real reason is they are terrified of the judgment they are going to go through. In all religions, whether Abrahamic or Eastern, there is an after-event. When you die, you don’t simply stop existing; it’s only your body that stops breathing and functioning. What we call living continues in the spiritual realm.

In Abrahamic religions, they say there will be judgment. Whatever you have done, you will be questioned, and karma will be served. Those narcissists who have that kind of belief system are terrified by the idea that sooner or later they will be punished. They will be asked questions for which they won’t have any answers, and what is so terrifying about it? There is no escape.

They can’t manipulate whoever is in charge after death. They can’t twist things or gaslight because everything will come back to them. They will have no power whatsoever. Trust me when I say this: the state of absolute powerlessness is annihilating for a narcissist. They don’t want to go there. Their life is an example of it. Since the day they became a narcissist, they chose to stay away from reality.

And you’re talking about facing it like this after dying—what will they do in the face of it? Call them beings of light or angels when they decide what is going to happen to the narcissist, and that will be their permanent state until they are recreated on Judgment Day according to Abrahamic religions. Imagine the torment. Whether these beliefs are real or not is not the question; it is about a narcissist’s fear of uncertainty and the state of absolute powerlessness.

Narcissists and the Concept of Reincarnation

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