Death Terrifies a Narcissist for THIS Spiritual Reason

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It’s about the legacy. When it comes to legacy, I need to give you another example. This is a real-life story: there was a narcissist who had created a multi-million-dollar empire—I’m talking about a decamillionaire worth $50 million. His end was so brutal that he left not even a penny for his sons, the same sons who had worked for him their entire lives and devoted themselves, settling for the bare minimum, hoping that at the end of it, they would get a fair share of the inheritance.

On his deathbed, the father said, “Even if you were to destroy me right now, I’m not going to give you a penny.” That money was wasted. Nobody could find out what he did with it—maybe he was living a double life. Where it went and how it was spent? No clue whatsoever.

You may wonder, why did he do that? Bitterness. It’s like, “I never thought it was going to come to an end for me. Now that it’s coming to an end and I can see it, I may as well end it for you.”

That’s the reason I created another episode on a similar topic: how a narcissist abuses you from their grave. If you want to watch it right now, click the “I” button above, and you will understand what I’m talking about.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Here is a little secret: this is something you realize in the advanced stages of your healing. No one dies when a narcissist dies. There is no actual death because the person died a long time ago. The inner child within died a long time ago. There is nobody that actually passes away; the only thing that happens is that their biological processes stop, and their body starts decaying. The soul had left a long time ago.

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