When A Narcissist Sees You As Being Too Strong, This Is What They’ll Do

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To begin with, start by separating yourself from the narcissist to the best of your ability in order to cut off their source of narcissistic supply. Disengage from the dynamic as much as you can. Cut and cauterize entirely if you can. If you can’t do that, then at the very least, act unresponsive when you’re around them by employing the grey rock method.

Once you’ve established what should be, at the very least, low contact, if not outright no contact, then take time to heal. Commit to doing your own personal healing and recovery work so you can reclaim your power and rebuild your self-confidence. This will also help you break the subconscious magnetic relationship pattern that causes you to attract this type of perpetrator into your life to begin with.

Last but not least, learn how to set boundaries in a way that works. Becoming a boundary badass is a life skill few of us were taught, but all of us need. If you don’t know how to set healthy limits and boundaries with confidence, it’s time to learn.

Sharing is caring!

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