Narcissists project an image of invincibility and omnipotence. They present themselves as untouchable, unaffected by the mundane concerns and feelings that mere mortals experience. Their grandiose sense of self might make them appear as if nothing can dent their armor. However, beneath this impenetrable facade, there are certain experiences that completely destroy this illusion and leave them feeling powerless. In this article, we will discuss four things a narcissist never gets over. Before we begin, please make sure to subscribe if you haven’t already, as your subscription helps spread awareness about narcissistic abuse. Let’s get started.
1. Hating and Wanting to Hurt or Destroy You for Exposing Them
First, narcissists hate and want to hurt or destroy you for exposing them. They carefully paint a picture of themselves as the hero, the biggest victim, or the star. Think of it like they are building a tower made of cards; they want everyone to be fooled by it. But when someone— in this case, you—comes along and points out that the tower isn’t stable or that it is actually crooked, the narcissist loses it. They feel like their whole world is crumbling down; it’s like a punch in the stomach. They go into battle mode, becoming super angry and fixated on you. They try to win by making you lose.
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