Here’s the twist: deep down, they cannot get over the fact that they were exposed. It’s like a stain that just won’t come out. They act like they have moved on, but it eats at them. It doesn’t let them sleep at night, and they secretly ruminate over the fact that you caused so much damage to their image. They may pretend they are happy and don’t even think about you, but the reality is they never let go. You act as a reminder of their mortified self, which remains with them until the very end.
2. Losing Control Over You and Not Being Able to Use You Again
Second, narcissists cannot stand losing control over you or not being able to use you again. When a narcissistic parent has tightly controlled their child’s life and the child gains independence, it is akin to dethroning royalty. The narcissist experiences existential turmoil. They have orchestrated the show for so long that this sudden jolt leaves them flabbergasted and desperate. The scenario is even more pronounced when someone gains financial independence from a narcissist who uses money as a tool to control. Financial freedom is like breaking the chains that keep you bound to the narcissist.
This takes me back to when I started earning money, and my father reacted adversely. He even said, “You should be struggling right now, not going after money.” Back then, I could clearly see the fear of losing control over me in his eyes. It was all about that. The narcissist senses the crumbling of their kingdom as they can no longer dictate terms or make demands. This loss of control is not something they can easily digest.
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