4. Not Understanding How You Didn’t See How Great They Are
Finally, narcissists struggle to understand how you didn’t see how great they are and how you wronged them. In the grand theater of a narcissist’s mind, they are always the shining star—the best mother, the best partner, the hero who can do no wrong. They exist in a world where they are towering giants among mere mortals. Now, imagine their sheer disbelief when someone doesn’t buy a ticket to this show or recognize their supposed brilliance. It’s like telling them the sky is green—they just can’t comprehend it.
A narcissist truly believes they are superior, and with this belief comes the expectation that others will also see and celebrate this greatness. When this doesn’t happen, it’s not just a surprise; it’s an insult. They can’t wrap their heads around why someone wouldn’t be in awe of them. The question “Don’t they see how great I am?” loops in their mind like a broken record. They don’t just disagree with the criticism; they see it as an attack on their very core. To them, it’s an injustice of the highest order. How dare someone not recognize their perfection? How dare someone suggest they could do something wrong?
This perceived injustice leads to indignation and a refusal to forgive. They harbor resentment or even develop a vendetta against the person who failed to acknowledge their greatness or suggested they were in the wrong. They ruminate over it, talk about it to anyone who will listen, and plot ways to prove their greatness.
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