Narcissists believe they’re smarter than you. They think they are getting away with things right under your nose. They see you as a fool who does not see their lies, manipulation, or intentions. So, when you send them this text, what you are really saying is, “I see you,” and that shakes them to their core.
Now, what happens if they try to flip it on you? A lot of narcissists, once they realize they are losing control, will attempt to flip the situation. They may say, “You are being so dramatic,” or “Oh, here we go again.” They might even say, “I don’t know what you think you figured out, but you are wrong.”
Here’s the thing, though: if they weren’t panicking, why are they reacting at all? A non-narcissistic person would probably just say, “What do you mean?” in a normal tone and move on. But a narcissist will try to gaslight you into questioning yourself. That’s when you know it worked like a charm. If they try to accuse you of being paranoid, if they suddenly become defensive, or if they start over-explaining, then congratulations, dear survivor! You have just exposed their insecurity.
If you really want to twist the knife, just reply with, “You know exactly what I mean.” At this point, their anxiety will be through the roof because now they have to scramble to figure out how much you actually know. In their desperation to regain control, they will likely start revealing more than they expected.
Strategic Use: When and How to Send the Text
But here’s a word of caution: you cannot use this text all the time. How do you know when to use it? This cannot be taken lightly; it cannot be sent as a casual message for fun. This has to be a strategic move for when you want to see their real face.
If you are planning to leave a narcissist, this text will show you exactly who they are in real time, destroying your cognitive dissonance. If you suspect they have been lying to you, this text will push them into exposing themselves. If you want to see if they are still trying to manipulate you, this text will make them panic and drop the mask.
However, if you are in a dangerous situation—if this person is physically abusive, unstable, or highly vindictive—then don’t use this text. It can backfire. Many narcissists, when they feel completely exposed, can become unpredictable.
What I’m trying to say is, if you do not have the upper hand in the situation, don’t use this text. If you have any reason to believe they could become dangerous, your safety comes first.
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