They make you feel bad about yourself by turning away when you speak, avoiding eye contact, or giving you looks of mild disgust. These gestures might seem small but are designed to erode your confidence bit by bit. They communicate without speaking that you are not worth their attention.
You may have noticed that a narcissist never hugs or holds your hand. Even if they happen to hug you, it feels like they are just patting a puppy—there’s no warmth. They never show unconditional love, like holding hands or kissing your cheek out of nowhere. It only happens when they are in a love-bombing phase, and afterward, it feels like they are suffocated by your presence, as if they hate your smell and your very existence.
To pour salt on your wounds, they may put a pillow between you and them while sleeping in the same bed. Have you experienced that? Let me know in the comments. They even avoid kissing you on the lips and do everything in their power to dodge any possibility of affection. They walk ahead of you, never with you, or they walk behind you. It’s never like you are together; it’s always you here and them there. In public places, they never sit near you; they always leave you alone.
Their body language shows their rejection and hatred towards you, making you feel unworthy and unwanted, as if you are a burden they are trying to get rid of.
Number Three: They Steal Your Self-Confidence with Facial Remarks
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