Learn how to say no
A person with a narcissistic personality is frequently consumed by themselves. They might believe they have the right to go wherever they want, spy on you, go through your personal belongings, and tell you how to feel. Perhaps they offer you unsolicited advice and claim credit for your accomplishments. Alternatively, they may put pressure on you to discuss personal matters in a public context. They may also have a poor sense of personal space, causing them to frequently transgress boundaries. Most of the time, they don’t even notice them. As a result, you must be really explicit about any boundaries that are vital to you. It is easy to forget how simple it is to say no. We may say it, but we lack faith in our ability to follow through. When dealing with a narcissist, though, learning to say no firmly and confidently can be a game changer. Be clear about what your boundaries are and don’t let them cross them. It’s simple: say no. Sometimes we lack faith in our abilities, so we don’t follow through. Don’t use ultimatums. If you use ultimatums with a narcissist, they may use ultimatums with you instead. Set boundaries and say no.
If you are an empath dealing with a narcissist, we hope you feel more at peace now, knowing that there are tactics for putting narcissists in their place.
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How to Make a Narcissist Panic