God allowed him to build it, and people around Shadad started questioning God’s existence because Shadad seemed capable of doing anything. But when it came time for him to enter his heaven, God took away his soul. Shadad did not get to step into it, proving that he wasn’t all-powerful and that he didn’t have control over everything. He was just a human being. The moral of the story is that narcissists can get whatever they go after, but that doesn’t mean they live a peaceful life. You all know that the end of their life is miserable.
There is a striking similarity between Shadad’s story and a narcissist’s life. They get to have it all, but they do not enjoy any of it. Towards the end, it’s all gone to waste. What is the proof of that? Their bitterness, their fragile and out-of-place feelings, and their increasing tendency to hurt people more than ever. They lose control and can’t play their narcissistic mind games anymore. They see themselves falling apart, and their entire narcissistic false self collapses. That is when God takes revenge. I witnessed this firsthand when my narcissistic, psychopathic grandfather passed away. I didn’t attend his funeral, but I heard a few things. Just within a couple of days of his death, his four or five sons started fighting over the money spent on the funeral. Can you imagine that? All of them are narcissists, but death and money—just a few hundred dollars—became a huge issue. Nobody was by his side when he died; he died alone. Even in his last days, he was trying to get supply from his past life, boasting about his past achievements. He couldn’t accept his reality because he believed he would be powerful forever. But God showed him the truth. He lived a long life to realize that he was nothing but a pile of dirt that had to vanish away. That is the truth, and that life is their suffering.
A long life is not always a gift; for some, it’s a curse. Some narcissists pray and wish for their life to end. Towards the end of their lives, they are among those people. That is how God teaches them a lesson. If you believe in the afterlife, you know what is coming for them. If you believe in reincarnation, you know their souls never find peace and suffer eternally. I hope this gives you some peace. I know you are not a vengeful person and do not want them to suffer. Neither do I, but it is the divine system. That is how it works. There is always a balance. It’s karma; it’s the karmic law. If you do something wrong, you will have to pay for it here and hereafter. Nothing goes wasted.
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