When experiencing that abuse, you are not imagining things. You were not making things up. You were not being paranoid. You were not overreacting. You were seeing the truth for the first time—the truth that most people do not choose to see. Because when God decides to elevate you, He opens your eyes. That’s the most important thing. You start noticing how fake the smiles are—smiles that most people think are genuine. Those compliments feel sharp, and you can understand their real meaning. You know they’re not coming from the heart.
You deeply understand, at a subconscious level, that the love they claimed to have for you was really just control, as I experienced in my mother’s case. And when you resist their control, what do they do? They lash out. They smear you. They make you the villain, as I was made in my entire family. It’s not because you changed; that’s what they’ll say. It’s because you woke up, and that different version of you is what they cannot ever accept because your new version demands that they change.
They need to acknowledge their own rot, give up their selfishness, and be better. The minute you woke up, their masks began to fall slowly. Then, all at once, you started seeing their envy, their cruelty, their manipulation. You saw how they delighted in your pain, how they kept you small, kept you doubting, and kept you begging for scraps of love. Then you realized you do not deserve any of that. God let you see it for a purpose—not to destroy you, but to free you. Because you cannot conquer what you cannot see, and sometimes seeing things for what they are is the most painful thing that can happen to you.
The moment you said “no more,” you became the ultimate enemy. The moment you stopped playing their game, they called you crazy, selfish, ungrateful. They could not stand your strength because it meant they could no longer control you. So they pushed you out, whispered about you, twisted your story, and made you the outcast, didn’t they?
The Power of Isolation and Spiritual Growth
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