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How God Turns You Into Narcissist's Worst Nightmare - Page 3 of 5 - narcissistic behavior

How God Turns You Into Narcissist’s Worst Nightmare

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And God allowed it for a reason, because He knew something you did not know yet. He knew that loneliness was safer than betrayal. That solitude would heal you faster than fake love. Your isolation wasn’t punishment; it was protection of some sort because He does not let His chosen ones, His children, stay among those who would destroy them.

I know it’s lonely, and there is no one from your family or even your friends who walks the same path, but you see, it’s worth it. When you cry, when you feel like nobody’s hearing you, God is there. When you reach out and everyone pulls back, God doesn’t. Sometimes you may wonder if you are cursed, if you are broken, if you deserve this. But you do not. It’s just how your journey is supposed to be.

You are being forged because chosen ones walk lonely roads. God isolates those He is preparing—not to hurt them, but to train them, to sharpen them, to make them warriors. The world rejects you so that you can learn to stand alone, so you can learn that your strength does not come from the approval of those narcissists, but from God alone. That’s the ultimate truth. Because if they could break you, they would own you. But when you belong to God, you do not belong to anyone else.

And when you finally understand that, when you can finally stand alone, that is when you become unstoppable and ultimately the narcissist’s worst nightmare.

Becoming the Narcissist’s Worst Nightmare

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