Now, what is God’s final plan for you? God is positioning you for purpose, for power—something greater than revenge, bigger than pain, bigger than the people who tried to break you. Because God did not just break you to heal you; that’s just one phase of it. He broke you to build you, to create in you a strength that this world cannot shake. To give you the kind of clarity that no like can touch to set you apart—not just to be free, but to help others break free, too. You were chosen for this. That’s why it hurt so much. That’s why it took so long. That’s why the losses were so big and heavy—because the weight of your purpose is heavy as well.
I want you to deeply realize that you are ready now, though you are their nightmare because you survived what was meant to destroy you. You learned that losing everything was the only way to gain yourself. So walk tall, speak boldly, and know this: what they meant for harm, God used for strength. What they used to shame you, God used to prepare you. You were chosen for this fight.
I know it feels really difficult. It is exhausting, but you are unstoppable, and you have to step into that awareness, into that knowing, to become your most authentic version possible.
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