A borderline is very different from a typical narcissist. What makes them different? Their empathy. Yes, a borderline can experience empathy and show it towards you. But the problem is that they split. They may choose you as their favorite person, putting you on a pedestal and literally worshiping you. Their form of idealization is the most intense kind of love ever known to exist. However, when the same borderline devalues you, they become a secondary psychopath. They can become vindictive and punitive, stooping to any level to destroy you, which a typical narcissist may not do.
A borderline is heavily emotionally dysregulated and may struggle with self-harm issues. The most important sign you’re dealing with a borderline is their abandonment issues. They have an extreme sensitivity to abandonment and do not want to be abandoned at all. That’s why they walk on eggshells around you. They may be manipulative and exploitative, and they can be Machiavellian, though not to the same degree as a narcissist.
The Comorbidity: Narcissism and Borderline Personality Combined
So what happens when these two traits are found in a single person? A comorbidity. Someone who is both a narcissist and a borderline is the worst type of person you can ever deal with, given how they function.
Recognizing the Borderline Vulnerable Narcissist
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