Going no contact with a narcissist is often excruciating. It takes an incredible amount of strength to implement and even more to maintain. However, what many of us are not prepared for is what might happen after we go no contact. In this article, I will help you understand the intricacies of a narcissist’s reaction, how they think and feel, and most importantly, what you can do to hold onto your power and avoid getting hurt again.
The Seven Things a Narcissist May Do After No Contact
1 Make Contact About Random Things
The narcissist may test the waters by reaching out about random or trivial matters. They’re trying to see if you’re still hooked and can be pulled back in. The remedy here is simple—don’t engage. Block all channels of contact and focus on detoxing from the toxic relationship. Healing your inner being is essential to maintaining your resolve.
2 Take Responsibility and Promise Change
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