So, you’ve decided to move on with your life—this is the best decision you could make. Taking the necessary steps forward is empowering, but don’t be surprised by how the narcissist reacts. Two major things may come your way. This information is essential to staying on track. In this video, I’ll explain exactly what to expect, so stick around if it resonates with you.
However, this individual will not let you go easily. Some of you might say, “But Anushka, they’ve already moved on and are with someone else.” That doesn’t matter. There are reasons why things unfold the way they do, and in this video, I’ll explain how they’re likely to behave, so you can fully understand the dynamics.
This isn’t a typical relationship where you say goodbye, and that’s the end. Narcissists thrive on control and attention, much like emotionally immature children. They don’t mourn the loss of a relationship like others might. Instead, they seek to create chaos in your life to keep you thinking about them.
You might be saying, “But they walked away from me; it’s over!” Even if it seems that way, their attempts to elicit a reaction—whether through being cruel, gossiping, or causing drama—are still about control. They aim to influence how you think, feel, and behave, which keeps you under their power.
When narcissists lose control, they perceive it as a personal attack. Even if they walked away, they may try to regain control by seeking your validation, attention, compassion, and affection. Your decision to move on means they’ve lost their influence, which they crave.
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