Today, we’re going to talk about how to make a narcissist addicted to you or make them crave you. There are a few things that can actually help with this, although I want to emphasize that it’s not something I would recommend. What you’re doing is engaging in mind games with someone who has toxic traits and a personality disorder. I completely understand wanting to regain control in this dynamic, but please be careful.
Now, if you want to make a narcissist addicted to you, the first thing I recommend is to have your wits about you. You need to be aware at all times because what you’re doing is trying to make someone with toxic traits addicted to you. So, just be cautious and make sure you’re in control. You have to be a little detached.
The first tactic I would suggest is to play hot and cold. Yes, my friends, you need to play hot and cold! This approach works because it creates a bond—similar to how the narcissist plays hot and cold with you. This keeps the other person eager and hooked, as they’re always waiting for when you’ll be warm and give them what they need. This method taps into the reward and punishment receptors in our brains, a psychological phenomenon akin to Pavlov’s dogs. Essentially, you’re conditioning this person to think of you in a certain way. When you’re cold, they feel uncomfortable, which makes them miss you and crave your attention.
Next, you need to be a little more confident. This means being a bit withdrawn and not waiting for someone to validate you. You should already know your worth, so you don’t need external validation. If you’re waiting for someone else to make you feel good, you’ll always be disappointed and vulnerable. You must work on your self-confidence and self-worth. When you embody this belief, the narcissist will see you as someone special, something to be valued.
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