This Is The Message You Send The Narcissist When You Go No Contact
Today, I’ll be talking about what your decision to go No Contact tells the narcissist. This also includes what ignoring ...
10 Signs That A Narcissist Is Stalking You
Most of us have experienced moments where we felt uneasy or watched. A stalker isn’t just someone who follows you ...
The Unspoken Regrets Of The Narcissist
Narcissists go through life intending to conquer and control everything and everyone they can. They manipulate, lie, cheat, and hurt ...
The Narcissist Cuts Ties with You, But It’s Driving Them Insane
Today, I want to discuss a common experience many of us face when dealing with a narcissist in our lives. ...
THIS is why it is SO hard to end narcissistic relationships
Self-future faking is another term for justification, similar to what we see in the trauma-bonded framework. However, it involves something ...
What Drives a Narcissist to Leave Their New Supply and Come Back to You
Today, we’re diving into a topic that puzzles many: why a narcissist might decide to leave their new supply and ...
If they do this They are a Covert Narcissist NOT an Empath
The most dangerous thing about a covert narcissist is their ability to feign empathy. If you are in a problem, ...
Beware! 7 Demonic Spirits Lurking Behind Every Narcissist
Today, we delve into a profound topic: the seven demonic spirits lurking behind narcissism or a narcissist. While many approach ...
What Happens When YOU Leave the Narcissist FIRST
Today, we’re discussing what happens when you discard, leave, or abandon a narcissist. This is a situation I have decades ...
The Narcissist Didn’t Want to Lose You! This is What They Truly Wanted
I want to tackle an important question many of you have posed: “If the narcissist doesn’t care about me, then ...